New Manual on Contrast Media Published

A publication of the Committee on Drugs an Contrast Media

It is the absolute standard work on the subject of contrast media injection, the Manual on Contrast Media. For more than ten years, it has been regularly updated by the American College of Radiology's Committee on Drugs and Contrast Media, or ACR for short. As a scientific reference document on the correct use of contrast media with injectors, it provides internationally binding guidelines and recommendations.


A brief look at the latest version

Updated in the 2023 edition are, among others, the guidelines on allergic reactions to

  • iodine-containing contrast media,
  • gastrointestinal contrast media for adults
  • contrast administration to pregnant or lactating women,
  • contrast media for children,
  • gadolinium-containing contrast media and nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, and
  • treatment of contrast reactions and
  • approved contrast agents.


More in-depth information can be found in the full version, which can be downloaded directly from the

ACR website .

Follow this link to find updated and verified findings on extravasation. We always refer to this topic in our MTR trainings and service and would like to recommend the following information to you as well:


"... 0.1-1.2% of CT injections result in extravasation. [...] Most extravasations resolve without complications ..."

"... Extravasation can also occur with hand injections. Extravasation can occur at both low and high flow rates ..."


Referring to this, we would like to add to the contrast medium injection with the Accutron® CT-D Vision: "The hand switch can be used to start the injection next to the patient and (with the other hand) to control the injection site. And further, "The integrated pre-inject function makes it possible to test the patency of the IV access before starting the contrast agent protocol."


Good to know: Within the framework of the findings of the Committee on Drugs an Contrast Media, the Accutron® CT-D Vision meets all of those guidelines.